Pokemon GO: How to Beat Sierra June 2021

Table of Contents

During the middle of last month, Team GO Rocket’s Leaders had a shake-up, changing the Pokemon they’d been using for a little while.

This meant Pokemon GO players had to be on high alert, switching up their teams to combat Rocket’s sneak attack.

Thankfully, heading into June, the rosters from the latter half of May stayed the same.

With that in mind, here’s how to beat Sierra in Pokemon GO in June 2021, including counters for her strongest Pokemon.

What Pokemon Can Sierra Bring to Battle?

There is a range of different Pokemon that Sierra can bring to battle, from a range of different types.

You can see the possibilities below:

Slot One

Slot Two

  • Ampharos
  • Granbull
  • Gliscor

Slot Three

  • Drapion
  • Houndoom
  • Kingdra

How to Beat Sierra in June 2021 – Best Counters

Sierra’s seven different Pokemon have a range of different weaknessesfor you to take advantage of.

Here are the best counters to help combat Sierra’s Pokemon in June:

Slot One: Sneasel– (Weaknesses = Bug, Fairy, Fighting x4, Fire, Rock and Steel)

  • Lucario – Counter/Aura Sphere
  • Conkeldurr – Counter/Dynamic Punch
  • Mega Lopunny – Low Kick/Focus Blast
  • Machamp – Counter/Dynamic Punch
  • Blaziken – Counter/Focus Blast
  • Hariyama – Counter/Dynamic Punch
  • Emboar – Low Kick/Focus Blast

Slot Two: Ampharos – (Weakness = Ground)

  • Groudon – Mud Shot/Earthquake
  • Excadrill – Mud Slap/Earthquake
  • Landorus – Mud Shot/Earthquake
  • Garchomp – Mud Shot/Earthquake
  • Rhyperior – Mud Slap/Earthquake
  • Golurk – Mud Slap/Earth Power
  • Krookodile – Mud Slap/Earthquake

Slot Two: Granbull – (Weaknesses = Poison and Steel)

  • Mega Gengar – Lick/Sludge Bomb
  • Mega Beedrill – Poison Jab/Sludge Bomb
  • Metagross – Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash
  • Dialga – Metal Claw/Iron Head
  • Roserade – Poison Jab/Sludge Bomb
  • Genesect – Metal Claw/Magnet Bomb
  • Excadrill – Metal Claw/Iron Head

Slot Two: Gliscor– (Weaknesses = Ice x4 and Water)

  • Mega Abomasonw – Powder Snow/Weather Ball
  • Galarian Darmanitan – Ice Fang/Avalanche
  • Mamoswine – Powder Snow/Avalanche
  • Weavile – Ice Shard/Avalanche
  • Glaceon – Frost Breath/Avalanche
  • Articuno – Frost Breath/Ice Beam
  • Mewtwo – Psycho Cut/Ice Beam

Slot Three: Drapion – (Weaknesses = Ground)

  • Landorus – Mud Shot/Earthquake
  • Excadrill – Mud Slap/Earthquake
  • Rhyperior – Mud Slap/Earthquake
  • Garchomp – Mud Shot/Earthquake
  • Groudon – Mud Shot/Earthquake
  • Golurk – Mud Slap/Earth Power
  • Krookodile – Mud Slap/Earthquake

Slot Three: Houndoom – (Weaknesses = Fighting, Ground, Rock and Water)

  • Mega Blastoise – Water Gun/Hydro Cannon
  • Mega Gyarados – Waterfall/Hydro Pump
  • Rampardos – Smack Down/Rock Slide
  • Rhyperior – Mud Slap/Rock Wrecker
  • Conkeldurr – Counter/Dynamic Punch
  • Kyogre – Waterfall/Surf
  • Lucario – Counter/Aura Sphere

Slot Three: Kingdra – (Weaknesses = Dragon and Fairy)

  • Palkia – Dragon Tail/Draco Meteor
  • Mega Gyarados – Dragon Tail/Outrage
  • Dialga – Dragon Breath/Draco Meteor
  • Haxorus – Dragon Tail/Dragon Claw
  • Rayquaza – Dragon Tail/Outrage
  • Garchomp – Dragon Tail/Outrage
  • Zekrom – Dragon Breath/Outrage

Best Team Composition

While there’s never a hard and fast “best team” to take on a Rocket Leader, you can still prep logically.

This is the team I’d enter battle with (running should Sierra throw a curveball I’m not equipped to deal with):

  • Conkeldurr
  • Groudon
  • Mega Gyarados
