Loki Episode 5 - What is The Yellow Thanos Copter?

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The latest episode of Loki is now live on Disney+ and oh boy, does it leave lots of questions to answer.

After a fantastic episode last week, the God of Mischief has returned to our screens with what’s unsurprisingly another belter.

As with many of the episodes, this one is wrapped in mystery, often leaving viewers confused.

One of those questions that have cropped up during this episode is regarding the Thanos Copter that appears with Loki in The Void. Let’s take a look at its background.


Where is the Thanos Copter in Loki?


The yellow helicopter can be seen in the opening ten minutes of the episode as Loki and his band of Lokis are trecking across the void.

In the background viewers can see a yellow helicopter that has seen better days, with the name THANOS scrawled across the side.

But what is it and why is it in the episode?

What is the Yellow Helicopter?

The Thanos Copter is a little bit of a meme amongst fans of Marvel.

It comes from the Comic arc “The Cat And The Cosmic Cube.” in which the purple Titan pilots a bright yellow helicopter to grab the Cosmic Cube, which ultimately, he doesn’t succeed in.

It’s the image of one of the most feared characters in the world of Marvel, piloting this small, yellow chopper that launched it into meme infamy, and it seems like this episode wanted to pay homage to those eagle-eyed viewers who noticed it.

Other than that, it’s really not likely to have too much of a baring on the outcome of this episode or the larger series.
