Elden Ring Player Discovers Sneaky PvP Trick Using the Mimic's Veil

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When clashing weapons with two other Tarnished, one Elden Ring player employed a clever PvP trick to stealth past them using a Mimic’s Veil.

Battling it out in Elden Ring PvP, especially when surrounded by other enemies, can be a particularly difficult experience. There’s no telling what kinds of builds visiting players will have, forcing you to be prepared for any situation.

One player figured out the perfect sneaky strategy to one-upping their opponents – use the Mimic’s Veil. By equipping the item, this player completely tricked 2 PvPers, delivering sneaky attacks and disappearing into the wild.


The clip shows u/CjJcPro using the Mimic’s Veil to turn into a spectral-looking stag, which allowed them to blend into the snowy wildlife around them. Though the stag model lacked any animations typical of an Elden Ring creature, the disguise worked perfectly on the visiting PvPers. u/CjJcPro glides harmlessly past the two players, with them none the wiser.

At one point, u/CjJcPro drops the stag disguise to hit them with a surprise rot breath attack. Quickly chased by the two PvPers, u/CjJcPro manages to duck behind a rock and disguise themself once again. Truly, the Mimic’s Veil is a highly effective Elden Ring PvP trick when used correctly! You can watch their full clip below:

Following a series of additional rot breath attacks, u/CjJcPro defeats both of the other Tarnished. Surprisingly, neither of the two other players ever noticed the strange behavior of the “NPC” stag in front of them. Standing victorious, u/CjJcPro departs their world.


Aside from being a clever stealthy item, the Mimic’s Veil is also a Reusable Key Item. Key items are usually found in important story locations or on significant bosses. This item in particular can only be found by Godrick the Grafted’s Legacy Dungeon, Stormveil Castle. The Mimic’s Veil allows players to transform into nearby objects for a cost of 6 FP – a small price to pay for PvP victory.

If you’d like to nab a Mimic’s Veil for yourself, head over to the Rampart Tower north of Stormveil Castle. Navigate carefully around the Many Armed Key Master (or test your skills against it!) and climb the stairs to the second floor. As you fight or sneak your way past the floor’s enemies, you’ll reach a door to a room at the very top. Be warned – inside this room is a Banished Knight! Defeat it, and you’ll be able to safely open the chests to find yourself a Mimic’s Veil.

Now, you’re able to go and defeat other players yourself with this stealthy Elden Ring PvP trick!

If you haven’t already, check out Elden Ring on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
