Twisted Metal 2023 Likely To Be Free to Play

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A new spout of Twisted Metal news hit the internet this week, courtesy of Andy Robinson at VGC.

VGC sources have stated that the Twisted Metal revival has started development by Lucid Games at their UK-based Liverpool studio.

Their source has also indicated that the title will be built around a free-to-play model, which is what we’ve heard at DualShockers with our own independent sources.

I broke the news back in August over on my personal Twitter account, stating the game will release in 2023.

It’s unclear what the exact plans are for Twisted Metal, but the game is intended to be free-to-play with an “extensive live service” according to our sources.

Battle Passes have become the norm in recent years, with Lucid Games and PlayStation seemingly looking to add the model to one of its most iconic racing franchises.

Twisted Metal director David Jaffe has been very vocal on the Twisted Metal revival rumors as of late, first saying that he’d be “very hurt” is the revival rumor is true.

However, after VGC’s latest report, Jaffe has been incredibly vocal about the rumors.

“It pisses me off a little, but that’s the emotional side of me talking. The truth of the matter is look, they have a business to run, they’re not thinking about me, and if they are… fuck it, I wouldn’t change what I’m doing now, and I wouldn’t change the way I’m doing it.”

Jaffe also went on to say “I know things. I know where the bodies are buried. Hell, I know who pulled the trigger before they buried the fucking bodies.”

It’s clear that Jaffe hasn’t been given any official word on the Twisted Metal revival and with Lucid heading the project, it’s not surprising.

Lucid Games has of course developed the PS5 exclusive Destruction All-Stars, that although wasn’t financially successful, makes them a prime Sony studio take the lead on a Twisted Metal title.

Sources indicate that the game will not have a campaign, but will feature some in-depth lore.

As the game is currently in very early development, DualShockers sources were not able to give information on exactly what this means.

Of course, Sony’s Twisted Metal TV series has yet to start filming and although the game is to go alongside its release, the game could release on its own without any problems.
